Monday, May 30, 2011

Changing industry

I appreciate the guest post, Emerson Moses

When I first got into this business, real estate was a no-brainer. All you have to do was list a house and wait for it to sell, but nowadays clients and business is much harder to come by. I tried to make sure everything is working in my favor so I set myself up as professionally as possible, often wearing suits to work, and certainly having the best technology. For example, the wireless Internet HERE is not something you see that often, so I definitely have a subscription. I also make sure my clients realize I'm able! to build them a website specifically for their home, which is a really unique dialing tool in this market. I'm not just selling their home, I'm selling myself to them and to potential buyers and agents, so it's important that I'm at the top of my game. This business is not for the faint of heart, and this down economy has only made that more apparent. Only the strong will survive from here and I know I'm strong!

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